North Shore Weed Man


with Weed Man Lawn Care


Weed Man's Premium Products

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lawn Fertilization

Fertilization is an essential part of a comprehensive lawn care plan. Not only is a well-fertilized lawn healthier and greener, it is also far better at preventing weed infestation, disease and drought. As an added bonus, healthy lawns give back to the environment by producing oxygen, cooling the air during hot weather, and trapping and absorbing urban dust and pollution.

Weed Man’s Slow-Release Granular Fertilizer
With your lawn’s nutrition in mind, Weed Man recommends our proprietary 65 percent slow-release, granular fertilizer. Our premium, golf course quality mixture feeds your lawn gradually – only when it needs it. This allows grass plants to feed over an extended period of up to 8 weeks, rather than feast all at once.
Our exclusive, high-quality blend is made from naturally-occurring ingredients that aid in plant growth, keep grass looking green and healthy, assist in root development, and increase winter hardiness and resistance to disease and drought. 


Weed Control Services

Get Rid of Unsightly Weeds

Weeds compete with desirable lawn grasses for water, space, light and nutrients. They are very aggressive and can easily take over a lawn if not kept in check. Protect your investment with a customized weed control program that will help eliminate unsightly broad-leaf weeds.

Weed control – combined with regular fertilization, proper mowing and correct watering practices – will keep your grass thriving while weeds disappear. Weed control programs may involve both pre-emergent and post-emergent applications to prevent spring weed emergence and to control pervasive weeds in the summer. Weed Man’s equipment is calibrated to apply the proper amount of product to eliminate weeds. Contact treatments are made at peak germination periods of broad-leaf weeds. The control product must contact leaf surface of the plant to be effective.

Weed control products used by Weed Man are tested and registered by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and are applied by licensed, trained professionals. To improve performance, keep children and pets off the lawn until it is dry.

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Preventative Grub Control

Generally, preventive white grub treatments are more affordable than curative programs and provide you with peace of mind throughout the summer months. Once a lawn has been targeted by pesky white grubs, a preventive program is advised by Weed Man professionals.

This treatment to prevent white grubs must be watered in to be effective. Children and pets may play on treated lawns after the product is watered in. Refer to the White Grub Fact Sheet for more information.



Beautiful yards are created by providing the best growing conditions based on a solid foundation of inputs such as fertilizers, water, seed and control products, when necessary. Core aeration—which can be performed in the spring or fall—improves your lawn's health and beauty, optimizes root development and reduces thatch and associated problems.

It also deepens your lawn’s root system for greater resistance to disease, insects, drought and heat stress, improves drainage and improves air, fertilizer, water movement. It can also help reduce water usage. Over-seeding is often performed in conjunction with core aeration. Refer to the Aeration Fact Sheet for more information.

Disease Control

Disease can range from brown patch and rust to snow mold and dollar spot. Because disease in turf can be difficult to detect and diagnose, rely on the knowledge and ability of your Weed Man to diagnose these lawn disease problems.

Once detected and corrected with professionally applied control products, your local Weed Man professional can help you adapt your cultural lawn practices to curtail future disease problems.

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Soil pH Control

For top quality grass, soil pH should be kept near 6.5. When your lawn’s pH is not in range, it loses the effective use of nutrients in the soil. Weed Man’s trained technicians can measure your soil’s pH and restore proper balance through the careful addition of lime to raise the soil pH or the addition of sulfur products to lower the soil pH.

Once this balance has been achieved, your lawn is ready to fully take advantage of nutrients and inputs and grow into a thick, lush, green lawn. Refer to the Soil pH Fact Sheet for more information.

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